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Triton Hearing, Invercargill Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 04:27   Medical & Emergency   186 Tay Street Invercargill 9810   61 views Reference: 192689
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Servicing: Southland Region

Tagline: Also known as: Triton Hearing

Click to get direction: 186 Tay Street Invercargill 9810

Contact Info(s):

O: 032144410

F: 0800454541

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Audiological Society


All Ages




Deafness, Learning Disabilities, Ageing, Tinnitus, Earwax, Tinnitus


Hearing Tests, Exams, Fitting, Assessments, Adjustments, Repairs, Demonstrations, Cleaning, Fitting, Wax Removal, Screening

Payment Options

Financing, Visa


Programmable Hearing Aids, Hearing Aids, Batteries, Ear Plugs, Ear Moulds, Batteries



Price Information

Free Parking

Service Options

By Appointment

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


NZ Audiological society
NZ Audiological society

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Triton Hearing, Invercargill

**Free professional hearing assessment and advice, and a free trial period for hearing aids.** For nearly three decades, Triton Hearing has been a trusted name in hearing healthcare. At the core of our business is a dedicated team of clinical professionals who embrace innovation and deliver hearing solutions with an outstanding level of care and support. We are passionate about what we do for our clients and also the wider community. We believe access to good hearing health and solutions improves quality of life for our clients and their families. Through our national network of 70 community based clinics, our teams have the expertise and skills to make this happen. **Our full range of services:** + Diagnostic hearing assessment + Hearing aid assessment + Hearing aid fitting and adjustment + Hearing aid trials using latest technology + Hearing aid batteries and repairs + Tinnitus assessment and treatment + Hearing protection + Provision of assistive listening devices + Assisting with ACC, War Pension and Enable NZ hearing aid funding applications + Auditory Processing Assessment **Why Triton Hearing?** + Our People + Consumer Trusted + Very Latest Technologies + Individualised Solutions + No Cost, No Obligation, Free Trial + Unparalleled Service and Support + Proven Results and Success + Loyalty Give us a call now for booking an appointment. A referral is **NOT** necessary.

What makes us different

Our people are helpful, supportive and provide friendly service, along with the very latest technology, Triton is able to provide you with the latest cutting-edge digital hearing aid technology including background noise reduction, miniaturisation, water resistance, speech enhancement, and FM and Bluetooth connectivity. For information about how we can help you, call and speak to our friendly team of professionals today.

Website: https://clinics.tritonhearing.co.nz/invercargill/186-tay-street.html?utm_source=yellowp&utm_medium=directory&utm_campaign=yellowp&utm_content=yellowp-invercar

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Triton-Hearing/367739859924572

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