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Trimate Industries Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 17:57   Professional Services   Waiuku   21 views Reference: 46369

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Location: Waiuku

Contact Info(s):

O: 094150163

About Trimate Industries Ltd

Trimate Industries has restarted to represent Demag Cranes and Components, Conductix-Wampfler and a range of flexible cables, specialising in material handling and power transfer.

Twenty years ago Trimate Industries began and represented the above products plus the Flygt brand of submersible pumps. Trimate Industries was sold to ITT who own Flygt and became ITT Water & Wastewater NZ Ltd.

From the 1st April 2010 Trimate has been reborn and is now owned by Ross MacLennan, one of the original partners and with 34 years experience can assist existing and new clients with their needs for cranes, monorails, fixed hoists, travelling drives, transfer power to fixed power. Demag is the only hoist brand in New Zealand that was first represented in the 1920s and is still in the market today proving the commitment Demag have in New Zealand. There are examples of Demag hoists installed 50-60 years ago still in operation today proving the purchase price at time of order is a very small factor in the life cycle costs of a Demag Hoist. With new technology the crane life can be monitored with a built-in micro-management system incorporating safety features, operation history and diagnostics.

Conductix-Wampfler (formerly INSUL-8) was introduced in the 1960s as a replacement for open wire travelling crane power transfer. The first covered busbar and festoon systems introduced added a big advancement in safety for crane power supply. Product range includes busbar to 6000 amps, festoon systems, cable reels, hose reels, slip rings, drag chains and safety switches. We also supply a range of flexible cables to cover any need from round or flat, PVC or neoprene, power or control.

Contact our Sales or Technical staff to help with your requirements for our range of proven quality and reliable products.

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