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Treadwell Gordon Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 17:38   Professional Services   12 Kuku Street Taihape   30 views Reference: 139706

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Click to get direction: 12 Kuku Street Taihape

Contact Info(s):

O: 063880612

F: 063490574

About Treadwell Gordon

Treadwell Gordon is one of New Zealands longest standing law firms. Founded in 1869, it has established a solid reputation as trusted legal advisers and as a result, has achieved significant growth year-on-year. It has offices based in Wanganui, Taihape and Ohakune and serves both private and business clients right across New Zealand-embracing remote collaboration technologies such as video to stay in touch and deliver you solutions efficiently.

Understanding your needs and tailoring legal solutions to fit is a big part of our ethos-we recognise that a one size fits all approach will not help our clients solve their problems or reach their goals. At Treadwell Gordon youll find a friendly, down-to-earth bunch of people with can-do attitudes. Its a team of legal experts and support staff who go the extra mile to ensure your legal service is timely, delivers you the best options and supports you to make the best decision.

The legal team at Treadwell Gordon are highly qualified with decades of combined experience in buying and selling property, wills, estates, family trusts, employment issues, commercial and farming law as well as litigation and dispute resolution. Get the right legal support you need and reach out today.



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