Trade Towage Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:02 Auto Services Servicing: Napier Area 32 views Reference: 130806Location: Servicing: Napier Area
Click to get direction: Servicing: Napier Area
Contact Info(s):
O: 068359715
Mailing address
PO Box 3424 Hawkes Bay Mail Centre Napier 4142
About Trade Towage Ltd
Trade Towage Ltd - For all year road car towing in Hawkes Bay! We have all aspects of car towing covered. Our emergency service means, that anytime, anywhere we can provide assistance.
We have a team of professional drivers, a fleet of tow trucks that can accommodate your every need, they are experienced in both car towing and roadside assistance. And if you're worried about costs, we are competitively priced and our services are covered by insurance.
We offer comprehensive car towing services to customers in Hawkes Bay, whatever the need for your vehicle we have you covered including:
- Car Towing
- Roadside Assistance
- Jumpstarts
- Unlocks
- Storage Services
We are there for you 24/7! Contact us at Trade Towage for more information.
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.