TR Custom Colours Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:33 Auto Services 26 Barrack Street Whanganui 28 views Reference: 148838Location: 26 Barrack Street Whanganui
Click to get direction: 26 Barrack Street Whanganui
Contact Info(s):
O: 063436551
About TR Custom Colours
TR Custom Colours serves customers in the Wanganui Region and are in the Car & Truck Painters category. We welcome your enquiry.
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Seller Information
TR Custom Colours
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About Seller
TR Custom Colours in Wanganui offer High Quality, On-site Auto Paint Repairs at a price to suit any budget.
We specialize in repairing Stone chips and Scratches and our services include the restoration of damaged and faded paintwork, minor bumper scrapes, small to medium area repairs on Cars, Trucks and Boats.
With great competitive prices we are sure to be able to find a solution for your repairs at a price to suit your needs.
We use the best tools and highest quality components and I am trained in the best techniques to insure that my standard of cutting and polishing is some of the best that can be achieved.
For more information call me (Tony) today and I'll be only too happy to discuss your vehicles requirements.