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Toyotaz Galore for Toyota Parts Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:47   Auto Services   Servicing: Amberley Area, Ashburton Area, Cheviot Area, Christchurch, Culverden Area, Darfield Area, Kaikoura Area, Rangiora Area   26 views Reference: 94141

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Click to get direction: Servicing: Amberley Area, Ashburton Area, Cheviot Area, Christchurch, Culverden Area, Darfield Area, Kaikoura Area, Rangiora Area

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800543774

F: 0800109691

Opening hours


Products and Services


Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association

Vehicle Type

Domestic, Imports


Genuine Parts, Genuine Parts


Toyota, Cars, Trucks, Vans, Mid-size Cars, Utes, Toyota


Performance Tyres, Engines, Short Block Engines, Tailgates, Tyres, Doors, Bonnets, Long Block Engines, Windscreens, Gearboxes

Vehicle Features

Manual, Automatic, Power Windows, Sunroofs, Manual, Power Steering


Parts Master, Parts Master


Vehicle Damage, Dents, Car Accidents, Collisions, Body Damage, Auto Damage, Structural Damage, Rust, Damage


Vans, Lamps


Automatic Transmissions, Transmissions, Manual Transmissions, Suspensions, Truck Transmissions


Windscreen Replacement, Modifications, Maintenance, Reconditioning, Repairs, Replacement


Toyota, Toyota

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

American Express

Mailing address

118A Sunnybrae Road Glenfield Auckland 0627

About Toyotaz Galore for Toyota Parts

If it's a part for a Toyota vehicle, we'll have it!

New, used and aftermarket car, van, ute, 4x4 and truck parts. Affordable prices - money back guarantee on all parts. Use our easy online search engine, or call one of our friendly team today!

The experts at Toyotaz Galore will help you with genuine Toyota parts from 1987 onwards. FREE quotes. Urgent delivery available.

Toyotaz Galore - Best parts for:

Windscreens, Radiators, Engines, Diffs, Gearboxes, Bumpers, Grilles, Front Guards, Boots, Bonnets, Doors, Lights, Alternators, Starter Motors, Suspension, Power Steering Racks, Tyres, Car Seat Covers, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Caps, Filters, Seat Belts, Sun Visors, Pumps, Struts, Track Control, Computer Engines, Aerials, Steering Wheels, Air Conditioning, Brakes, Steering, Mounts and Rubber parts, Electrical and Switches, Panels.

We also purchase unwanted vehicles - We will buy your car!
Whatever AGE, Whatever MILEAGE, Whatever CONDITION.

50 Years of serving Toyota owners in New Zealand. Simply the Best.

Yes, we're also open Saturdays 9am - 1pm.

What makes us different

Are you a student? We are pleased to announce that we now offer a 10% discount when you present your student ID!

Nation wide shipping available.

50 Years of serving Toyota owners in New Zealand. Simply the Best.

Website: http://www.toyotaspares.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toyotapartsnz/

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