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Total Vision Optometrists Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 20:48   Medical & Emergency   443 Grey Street Hamilton East Hamilton 3216   18 views Reference: 209413

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Click to get direction: 443 Grey Street Hamilton East Hamilton 3216

Contact Info(s):

O: 078562611

F: 078563652

Opening hours


Products and Services


Families, Seniors, Children, All Ages


Opticians, Behavioural Optometrists


Diabetic Care, Repairs, Exams, Fitting, Testing, Exams, Repairs, Consulting, Adjustments


Dry Eyes, Headaches, Infections, Injuries, Astigmatism, Astigmatism, Glaucoma, Diabetes, Dry Eyes, Farsightedness, Nearsightedness, Infections, Injuries, Cataracts, Diabetes, Dry Eyes, Retinal Disease, Farsightedness, Cataracts, Nearsightedness, Astigmatism


Sunglasses, Eyeglasses, Contact Lens Solution, Eyewear, Progressive Lenses, Magnifiers, Sunglasses, Eyeglasses, Disposable Contact Lenses, Eye Glasses, Iris, Frames, Safety Glasses, Transition Lenses, Reading Glasses, Optic Wear, Contact Lenses, Bifocals


Imaging, Eye Exams, Imaging

Price Information

Free Parking

Service Options

New Patients Welcome, By Appointment


Locally Owned & Operated

About Total Vision Optometrists

Looking for total eye care from the eye specialists? Then you need to contact the professional team at Total Vision Optometrists where your Eyes are Celebrated!

Total Vision Optometrists are your boutique eye specialist destination. With a quality range of eye wear and excellent service and professional care, this is the business you can rely on to take care of your needs.

We are a member of the NZ Association of Optometrists and offer a wide range of services, including fully comprehensive eye examinations, contact lens assessments, driving certificates, WINZ quotes, children's examinations and student discounts.

So whether you're suffering from vision problems and requiring and eye examination or in need of a quality fashion frame, or even package deals on budget frame and lens packages, Total Vision Optometrists are the people to see. We not only offer great quality and long lasting products but provide fantastic service.

Visit our website for the latest Promotions or to see more of the many services we offer. Have a specific query? Don't hesitate to contact our friendly staff today. Total Vision Optometrists - Celebrate Your Eyes!

What makes us different

At Total Vision Optometrists, we pride ourselves in delivering quality optometrist services.

Website: http://totalvision.co.nz

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