Total Trim Solutions Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:56 Auto Services 25 Sandwich Road St Andrews Hamilton 32 views Reference: 246310Location: 25 Sandwich Road St Andrews Hamilton
Click to get direction: 25 Sandwich Road St Andrews Hamilton
Contact Info(s):
O: 078501076
F: 078501876
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesBoats, Yachts, Vans, Cars, Cars
ConcernsScratches, Mildew, Stains, Pet Damage, Rust, Accidents, Dents, Scratches
ProductsWool, Nylon, Canvas, Foam, Sewing Supplies
MaterialsWool, Leather, Nylon, Velvet, Canvas, Upholstery, Velcro, Leather, Vinyl
ServicesTrimming, Custom Work, Made to Measure, Modifications, One Off Items, Recovering, Remodelling, Upholstering, Restoration, Restuffing, Fitting, Reconditioning, Custom Designing, Repairs, Replacement, Restoration, Repairs, Recovering, Painting, Custom Work, Rustproofing, Fabrication, Rebuilding, Finishing, Panel Beating, Buffing, Customising
Vehicle StyleVintage
Year est.
Mailing address
PO Box 21152 Flagstaff Hamilton 3200
About Total Trim Solutions Ltd
Total Trim Solutions provide custom made upholstery for boats & vehicles. Whether your car seat suffered from scratches and cuts or if youre after a customised cabin interior for your boat or yacht, the experts at Total Trim Solutions will offer you a solution to suit your needs and budget.
Custom Vehicle Interiors Personalise your vehicle with a custom made dashboard, upholstered car seats, flooring, heading and trimming.
Marine Upholstery, Canopies and Covers Customise your boat or yacht interior and keep it covered from rain with custom made canopies and covers.
Outdoor Screens Chameleon screens provide protection from sun, wind and - perfect for your home, cafe or schools.
For more information please visit the Total Trim Solutions website or call today for a free quote and to discuss your specific requirements.
What makes us different
Total Trim Solutions Ltd are your car trimming and upholstery specialists in the Hamilton area. We pride ourselves on our quality workmanship and wealth of experience in the industry. Get in touch with us tody for more information.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.