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Total Recoveries Auto Grooming Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:16   Auto Services   14 Norfolk Place Kerikeri 0230   20 views Reference: 176824
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Click to get direction: 14 Norfolk Place Kerikeri 0230

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800938698[WETOWU]

F: 094071080

Opening hours


Products and Services


Shampooing, Car Wash Area, Grooming, Fabric Protection, Chamois Wash, Polishing, Car Washes, Cleaning


Caravan, Utes, Buses, Minivans, Trucks, Vans, Cars


Stains, Pet Damage


Locally Owned & Operated


Exteriors, Interiors

Year est.


Parking options

Free On-Street

Payment options

Direct Debit

Mailing address

PO Box 754 Kerikeri 0245

About Total Recoveries Auto Grooming

Total Recoveries your auto Valet Legends

We have four auto valet packages to choose from, ranging from a basic tickle up wash and vacuum through to bringing your car up to an executive car yard standard, we can make it gleam! With options for hot water blasting under the hood or body of your vehicle and tar spot removal.

We have customers that are so happy with the result, they tell us they don't want to take their car out for a drive just in case they get it dirty again.

We have a loan car available for while we work on your vehicle, note conditions apply.

What makes us different

At Total Recoveries Auto Grooming we pride ourselves on our reliability and exceptional customer service. Our staff are fully trained and certified, so you can trust them to valet your vehicle with care and to the highest standard. Call us to discuss our valet service packages.

Website: http://totalrecoveries.co.nz

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