Total Orthodontics Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:00 Medical & Emergency 95 Lemon Street New Plymouth 32 views Reference: 141932Location: 95 Lemon Street New Plymouth
Servicing: Waitara Area, Opunake Area, Hawera Area, New Plymouth Area, Inglewood Area, Stratford Area
Click to get direction: 95 Lemon Street New Plymouth
Contact Info(s):
O: 067591053
F: 062785562
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
Products and Services
ServingAdults, Families, All Ages, Children
FeaturesClear Braces
ItemsBraces, Invisalign, Crowns
TradesDental Hygienists
ConcernsBites, Gaps, Teeth Spacing, Crowding, Overbites, Overlapping Teeth, Protruding Teeth, Injuries, Crooked Teeth, Pain, Cavities, Gum Disease, Stains, Decay
PracticesCosmetic Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry
ServicesTeeth Whitening, Check-ups, Preventive Care, Teeth Cleaning, Straightening
ProceduresExtractions, Implants, Fillings
Year est.
About Total Orthodontics
Are you looking for Orthodontists in Taranaki? Total Orthodontics service this area, and have been around since 2013. Get in touch today!
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