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Total Health Chiropractic Ltd Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:41   Medical & Emergency   74 Park Road Miramar Wellington 6022   38 views Reference: 230244

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Click to get direction: 74 Park Road Miramar Wellington 6022

Contact Info(s):

O: 048910911

F: 048910912

About Total Health Chiropractic Ltd

Many Wellington patients start care in our office with specific health concerns such as headaches and lower back and neck pain, then recognize that chiropractic is all about optimal health and maxmising their potential in life. Total Health Chiropractic will help you learn how to get well faster and stay well.

Total Health Chiropractic is a family oriented practice and they offer both relief and wellness care that is individually tailored with an emphasis on restoring ideal function. They have Massage Therapist working on site and they are ACC registered for Chiropractic Practice.

They are highly proficient in several techniques and these include:

Your first visit will involve a comprehensive health history and assessment of your spine and nervous system's function while also assessing your general wellbeing.

Gonstead - highly specific process that is very popular throughout the profession.

Diversified - gentle correction of the spine by hand by introducing small movements to specific segments.

Activator methods - ideal process for elderly people, children and those that desire ultra gentle techniques.

Applied Kinesiology - a process aimed at restoring ideal function of all systems of the body by balancing an individual's chemical, structural and mental function.

They also often make exercise recommendations to enhance stability and strength in key areas related to your specific complaint.

They have ample free street parking and are centrally located in Park Street, Miramar.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Total-Health-Chiropractic-133844076646874/?ref=ts

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