Tim Yeo Contracting Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 16:45 Trades & Services Servicing: Edendale Area, Gore Area, Invercargill Area, Lumsden Area, Riverton Area, Te Anau Area, Winton Area 26 views Reference: 202020Contact Info(s):
O: 0272304655
F: 0274389106
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Fri
Products and Services
KindsFlat, Membrane, Galvanised, Corrugated
FeaturesGalvanised, Continuous, Longrun
PlacesFlat Roofs, Additions, Sheds, Roofs
ItemsFascia, Gutters, Flashing, Continuous Edging
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, Industrial
ServicesBuilding alterations, Weatherising, Building Maintenance, Roofing, Guttering, Repairs, Colorsteel Endura, Re-Spouting, Renovations, Removal, Re-roofing, Roof Certifications, Colour Consulting, Repairs
ConcernsClogged Drains, Wind Damage, Property Damage, Rust
ProductsRoofing Materials
MaterialsIron, Galvanised Steel, Steel, Aluminium, Butynol, Aluminium, Metal, Aluminium
BrandsGerard Roofs, Zincalume
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
AssurancesFamily Owned & Operated, Licensed Building Practitioner, Over 20 Years Experience
PropertiesSheds, Buildings, Houses
Year est.
About Tim Yeo Contracting Ltd
Tim Yeo Contracting - We'll Have You Covered in No Time
Locally owned & operated by Tim & Sandra Yeo - Tim Yeo Contracting has proudly been servicing southlands residential & commercial roofing & spouting needs for over 20 years. Whether you have a small repair job to do, a major re-roofing to be done, or a need a brand new roof, we are the team with the skills & experience to get the job done for you, on time, & on budget!
We specialise in Longrun Iron & Continuous Metal Spouting. Whether it be a new roof, re-roof, spouting repair, spouting replacement, adding or removing a chimney, skylights, wintering sheds - we do it all.
We are Licensed Building Practitioners so you can be rest assured your home is in good hands, & we also supply our own Edge Protection.
We offer competitive rates & personalised service, call our friendly team today!
Our products:
Types: Corrugated. Flat, Galvanised, Hi Five & Six Rib
Brands: Coloursteel, Zincalume
Items: Continous Edging, Flashing, Gutters
Materials: Aluminium
Features: Longrun
What makes us different
We Specialise in Longrun Iron & Continuous Metal Spouting. Whether it be a New Roof, Re-Roof, Roof or Spouting Repair, Spouting Replacement, Wintering Sheds, we do it all from a small repair to major re-roofing.We also have our own Edge Protection.
Website: https://www.timyeocontracting.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/tim-yeo-contracting/169250159767231
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