The Tyre General Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 01:01 Auto Services Cnr Childers Rd & Grey Street Gisborne 30 views Reference: 124789When you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
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The Tyre General
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About Seller
Welcome to The Tyre General - no tyre too big or too small!!
The Tyre General...24 hour on call service.
Supported by GT Radials, Michelin and other major brands, this means that we are in the best position to offer a wide range of tyres, suitable for the Gisborne roads and region. We are happy to offer advice to accommodate your application and budget.
We have an extensive range on display in our showroom.
We stock tyres for Trolleys, Wheelbarrows, Cars, Trucks, 4x4s,All terrain tyres, ATVs, Trailers, Caravans, Buses, Tractor & Agricultural tyres, OTR and Earthmovers. Remember,no tyre too large or small!
Talk to a tyre professional to get the correct tyre advice to suit your needs.
Call in today or give the team at The Tyre General a call for more information.