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The Podiatrist Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 23:25   Medical & Emergency   Whangarei   24 views Reference: 165688

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Location: Whangarei

Contact Info(s):

O: 095506324

About The Podiatrist


Podiatry deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Conditions a Podiatrist treat include those resulting from bone and joint disorders such as arthritis and soft-tissue and muscular pathologies, as well as neurological and circulatory disease. Podiatrists are also able to diagnose and treat many complications of the above which affect the lower limb, including skin and nail disorders, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails. Foot injuries and infections gained through sport or other activities are also diagnosed and treated by podiatrists.

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