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The Photographers Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 17:06   Professional Services   Servicing: Waikato Region, Bay Of Plenty, Hawkes Bay   19 views Reference: 255062

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0274772648

About The Photographers

Professional Photography
Your Image is our Business

We take seriously the word Photographer in our name, because your image is our business. The Photographers are a group professional photographers based in South Waikato and cover regions from Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, Tauranga, Hawks Bay, and New Zealand wide.

We specialize in... HDR Real Estate Photography. Wedding Photography. Event Photography. Corporate and Commercial Photography. Drone Photography.

You will find each member of our team to be courteous and professional from the first contact to the delivered product. At events we strive to blend in and not be the center of attention, yet always be there to capture that split-second shot. Our team is also extremely fun and easy to work with.

The Photographers Cooperative
The Photographers are a network of professional photographers, working together as a Cooperative of professional photographers to market our members services in every region of New Zealand, and work together when needed. Our goal is to have one photographer in every region of New Zealand, to make it easy for customers wanting to find a reliable professional photographer at a reasonable price. The advantage of this is it gives our members accountability for our services and each member can draw on decades of experience to ensure you get the best service and cost effectiveness.

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