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The Pelvic Physio Queenstown Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 04:15   Medical & Emergency   18B McBride Street Frankton Queenstown 9300   38 views Reference: 191578

0.0 star

Servicing: Otago

Click to get direction: 18B McBride Street Frankton Queenstown 9300

Contact Info(s):

O: 0225100828

About The Pelvic Physio Queenstown

The Pelvic Physio Queenstown is a women's health & Men's health physiotherapy clinic that services the men and women of Queenstown. The Pelvic Physio Queenstown has a post graduate trained physiotherapist that specialises in pelvic health. We can help with the following


-urinary incontinence

-sexual dysfunction

-pelvic pain

-pre natal care

-post natal care

-exercise after and during pregnancy

-pelvic floor control

-post prostate cancer.

& much more!

How are we different?

  1. A personal approach to your treatment in Queenstown.
  2. State of the art technology including a real time ultrasound machine.
  3. Local community based Womens and Mens health clinic in Queenstown, started by locals & run by locals.
  4. We are with you to the end. We are an empathetic group that will stay committed to you throughout the process.

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