The Law Connection Ltd & Notary Public Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:11 Professional Services Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City 28 views Reference: 227249Contact Info(s):
O: 042993192
F: 042997686
Products and Services
Price InformationFree Initial Consultation, Free Estimates
ServicesAsset Protection, Notarising, Litigation, Consulting, Wills, Power of Attorney, Trusts
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
PracticesFamily Law, Intellectual Property Law, Property Law, Business Law, International Law
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
About The Law Connection Ltd & Notary Public
Welcome to the Law Connection - where you will find friendly and experienced lawyers who are ready to assist with a wide range of legal requirements.
We were established on the Kapiti Coast on 1985, and now have two offices located in Waikanae and Raumati Beach. Our focus is on providing stress-free legal services for both commercial and residential clients, with our particular strength being our work with senior citizens.
Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:
- UK Legal Services
- Property Law
- Business Law
- Wills, Trusts
- Family Relationships
- Disputes
- Notary Public Services
We are available to assist clients both living in New Zealand and overseas. Please visit our website to learn more about all the services we provide, then call or complete our online enquiry form to book an initial consultation today.
What makes us different
At the Law Connection we believe it's not just about the Law but about the people too. Our friendly, experienced lawyers, legal executives and staff will provide you with legal advice you will understand while taking your wishes into account.
Wherever you live in New Zealand or overseas, the experienced team at The Law Connection can provide you with practical & professional legal advice.
lawyersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.