The Battery Cell Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:53 Auto Services 1/34 Seaview Road Seaview Lower Hutt 5010 27 views Reference: 65169Servicing: Wellington Region, Auckland Region, Bay Of Plenty, Canterbury Region, Gisborne Region, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu Region, Marlborough Region, Nelson Region, Northland, Otago, Southland Region, Taranaki, Timaru Oamaru Region, Waikato Region, Wairarapa
Click to get direction: 1/34 Seaview Road Seaview Lower Hutt 5010
Contact Info(s):
O: 045688818
F: 045688826
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
KindsDry Cell, Solar, Single Cell, Battery Packs, Lithium Ion, Alkaline, Lead Acid, Sealed Lead Acid, Deep Cycle
Service OptionsOnline Ordering, Online Pricing
UsesHybrid Cars, Tractors, Radios, Vans, Alarms, Motorcycles, Scooters, Odyssey, Boats, ATVs, Jet Skis, Caravans, Trucks, Panasonic, Golf Carts, Tools, Buses, Power Tools, Adapters, Chargers, RVs, Century, Charger, Cameras, 4WD, Hearing Aids, Cars
Year est.
Parking options
Free On-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 38958 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045
About The Battery Cell
The Battery Cell is your automotive & replacement batteries specialist, and as Wellington's biggest stockist of automotive batteries, as well as having the largest range of replacement batteries, you can be sure that you have come to the right place! We specialise in batteries & sell our wares all over the country, and yes, even Stewart Island has been touched by The Battery Cell! We provide you with rock solid advice and top quality products! Our goal as an "Old School" business is to provide you with exceptional, reliable service. There are lots of things battery companies, wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers don't want you to know about - "tricks of the trade" as it were; that always leave you guessing, we WANT you to know those tricks, we want you to learn about what it is you are buying, how to take care of it, make it last, and be informed with your next purchase. We like to call it ADDED VALUE. So come on in and see us TODAY. There is much more to us than loads of batteries, we are 100% NZ owned and proud of it. Our products will cost you, Our advice will save you! Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team; we are always happy to help you. You are also welcome to visit us, explore our website; or contact us by email.
What makes us different
We are the Battery Specialists. What ever your portable power needs, we have the ideal solution for you. ALL batteries for ALL applications.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.