Terra Cat Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:05 Auto Services 280 Te Ngae Road Ngapuna Rotorua 3010 21 views Reference: 74262Location: 280 Te Ngae Road Ngapuna Rotorua 3010
Click to get direction: 280 Te Ngae Road Ngapuna Rotorua 3010
Contact Info(s):
O: 073500410
F: 067592105
Mailing address
7 Struthers Place New Plymouth 4341
About Terra Cat
Terra Cat is the name of New Zealands Caterpillar dealer. Terra Cat is a business built on solid ground, and with over 90 years of experience as Gough Group, we will continue to create strong relationships and close links to the people we work with.
The name Terra Cat comes from the Latin words terra firma - meaning firm earth or solid ground - and captures how we deliver power on the ground in people, place, product and services. Cat brings the power of unparalleled world class products and systems you know and rely on. The name also reflects Terra Cats connection to the land and to the grounded nature of our people and our relationships.
We offer the entire Caterpillar product range of machines and engines, all of which are designed, engineered and built to be the toughest and most reliable in the world. We provide a wide range of services associated with the importation, marketing and ongoing support of every Caterpillar product we sell, both new and used.
Terra Cat has a national network of 16 branches from Whangarei to Invercargill.
Please visit our website for more information or contact us to discuss your requirements today.
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