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Te Piki Oranga - Maori Wellness Services Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 22:48   Government & Community   Unit 1A, 281 Queen Street Richmond 7020   33 views Reference: 298388

0.0 star

Servicing: Marlborough Region, Nelson Region

Click to get direction: Unit 1A, 281 Queen Street Richmond 7020

Contact Info(s):

O: 035437016

F: 039280468

Mailing address

PO Box 3108 Richmond 7050

About Te Piki Oranga - Maori Wellness Services

Te Piki Oranga is a kaupapa Maori primary health provider for Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka o Maui (the top of the South) providing a wide range of free and confidential health services for Maori in the region.

We operate from three regional hubs: Wairau/Blenheim, Whakatu/Nelson and Motueka. We have qualified kaimahi who provide health care and prevention programmes (eg cervical screening, immunisation outreach, pre-diabetes education) for whanau. Our services for whanau also include;
Qualified nurses experienced in helping with cardio vascular disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive airways/asthma, cancer prevention, assessment, treatment, education and referral.
Tamariki ora nurses supporting mothers and babies under 5 years of age with their immunisations, well child checks, breast feeding and smoke free environments.
Pukenga Manaaki are experienced community kaimahi who provide support, facilitation and advocacy for whanau.
Clinicians specialised in child and adolescent mental health, focusing on prevention, assessment, treatment and referral.
Alcohol and other drugs counsellors supporting whnau through prevention, assessment, treatment, referral and reports.
Te Ha Aukati Kaipapa are trained coaches who support whanau and pregnant women to stop smoking.

Whanau or clinicians with the permission of whanau can refer/self refer though www.tpo.org.nz or visiting one of our health hubs;

Whakatu/Nelson, Whakatu marae, 17 Bishopdale Ave, Nelson 03 546 9099
Wairau/Blenheim, 22 Queen Street, Blenheim 03 578 5750
Motueka, Te Awhina marae, 117 Pah Street, Motueka 03 528 1155

Waimeha/Richmond (Management Team), 1A 281 Queen Street, Richmond 03 543 7016 admin@tpo.org.nz

Please give us a call 0800 672642 for more information and or visit our website www.tpo.org.nz.

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