TBI Health Sports & Spinal Rehab Clinic Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:55 Medical & Emergency Servicing: Mana 28 views Reference: 276675Location: Servicing: Mana
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800824432
F: 043818690
About TBI Health Sports & Spinal Rehab Clinic
In the Physiotherapists category, TBI Health Sports & Spinal Rehab Clinic is located in the Wellington Region and are here to help. Check out TBI Health Sports & Spinal Rehab Clinic today!
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Seller Information
TBI Health Sports & Spinal Rehab Clinic
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About Seller
At TBI Health we offer an extensive range of injury management & rehabilitation services, with our Back Institute programme delivering specialist expertise to help you recover from your back and neck problem.
Our goal is to offer a high quality service that will help people with any injury to receive appropriate and effective rehabilitation so they can return to work, sport and everyday activities.
TBI Health is an extensive network of rehabilitation facilities and health professionals that offer comprehensive services in physiotherapy, surgical, podiatry, psychology, occupational and exercise therapies.
We have an enthusiastic team of clinicians and administration staff who aim to provide a comprehensive and professional service.
To make an appointment, visit our website for specific clinic contact details, or for general enquiries, please phone 0800 TBI Health (824 432).