Tararua Veterinary Services Limited Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:11 Pet Services Whanganui 26 views Reference: 147748Location: Whanganui
Contact Info(s):
O: 063768046
F: 063746067
About Tararua Veterinary Services Limited
Welcome to Tararua Veterinary Services Limited, home of expert veterinary care for your beloved pets. We have two branches in Dannevirke and Pahiatua, both with purpose built facilities, well-equipped animal clinics and state of the art hospital facilities. We service a wide area from Mount Bruce to Woodville, the Tararua Ranges, up to Takapau and out to the Coast. With a full medical and surgical service for companion and production animals, we also provide a lab service, animal dispensary and retail supplies, a 24hour Veterinary service, and much more. Tararua Veterinary Services is an established rural veterinary practice that seeks to provide the highest level of excellence in care for your animals.
Visit us online for more detailed information or call now to speak to our friendly team.
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