Takapuna Panelbeaters Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:10 Auto Services 72 Hillside Road Glenfield Auckland 0627 31 views Reference: 27950Location: 72 Hillside Road Glenfield Auckland 0627
Click to get direction: 72 Hillside Road Glenfield Auckland 0627
Contact Info(s):
O: 094448182
About Takapuna Panelbeaters
We are Takapuna Panelbeaters in the Auckland Region. We are your local providers in the Panel Beaters category. Get in touch now!
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Takapuna Panelbeaters
Total Listing
About Seller
Takapuna Panelbeaters has been a family owned and operated business since 1967. So with over 45 years experience - we have a respected reputation in the community.
We're proud to be a "Certified Structural Repair Centre" for IAG, AA, Tower, Zurich, Vero, Lumley, NZI, State, and AMI, as well as provide guaranteed repairs for all other major insurance companies.
Our premises provide for high-stud clearance with a Seetal Bake Oven, 14m purpose-built painting bay, commercial chassis machine and 5 tonne hoist.
This coupled with the latest in technology knowledge and I-Car trained tradesman we're well equipped for all private and commercial vehicles and we guarantee our workmanship, 100%.
Our friendly team will provide a free no-obligation assessment, quote, and timeframe, and while your cars in our secure premises we can provide a loan vehicle (conditions apply) or a pick-up/delivery service, if required.
So if you're looking for a "Certified Collision Repair Centre" where the service is helpful, professional and the workmanship is guaranteed - then give us a call!!