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Switch Electrical Services Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:57   Trades & Services   Servicing: Katikati Area, Tauranga Area, Te Puke Area   23 views Reference: 65493

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Contact Info(s):

O: 075713429

F: 075715429

Products and Services


Swimming Pools


Lighting, Connections, Outdoor Lighting, Floor Heating, Heat Pumps


Repairs, Maintenance, Renovations, Alterations, Pumping, Networking, Design, Inspections, Installation

Service Options

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Markets Served

Commercial, Marine, Residential, Industrial




Rest Homes, Houses, Offices, Farms, Warehouses

Year est.


About Switch Electrical Services Ltd

At SWITCH we are master electricians who provide high quality electrical services to residential, commercial and industrial clients in Tauranga and the surrounding Bay of Plenty region.

Our experienced team can design, install, maintain and repair a wide range of electrical items including lighting, wiring, heating and security systems. We can also re-wire relocated buildings, install farm irrigation and can work in explosive environments! Basically, if you can name it we can do it!!

We are certified to complete full electrical inspections - including using thermal imaging, testing and tagging to OSH requirements.

We are proud to have been rated 9/10 by the Target TV program for both service and price!

Please visit our website for more information, then call or complete our online enquiry form to discuss all your electrical service requirements today!

What makes us different

We were involved in the Electrical, Electrical Mechanical, and Fire System. A wide range of skill were required including steel conduit installation and Canilis Busbar system. We work closely with the Main contractor Watts Hughes and the Consultant Innerscape, the contract was nominated for the Electrical Excellence Awards, and our electricians achieved Finalists in this Award for Projects over $500k.

Website: http://www.switche.co.nz

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