Swages Engineering Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:14 Professional Services Servicing: Auckland Region 23 views Reference: 96463Location: Servicing: Auckland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 092650831
F: 092650835
About Swages Engineering Ltd
Swages Engineering Ltd is a 30 yr old family business that is totally focussed on providing a high quality cost effective service, for our customers.
Our primary business is to provide:
- CNC precision machined components to your specifications.
- Product design assistance.
- Product development assistance.
- CMM Inspection with hard copy verification if required.
- Prompt delivery due to operating a 20hr 2x shifts a day regime.
I have a team of around 50 staff at present and we are based in East Tamaki Auckland, we operate from a well-equipped 27,000-sqft factory, and we are always looking for new business opportunities.
Contact us today!
engineers-manufacturingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Swages Engineering Ltd is a 30 yr old family business that is totally focussed on providing a high quality cost effective service, for our customers.
Our primary business is to provide:
CNC precision machined components to your specifications.
Product design assistance.
Product development assistance.
CMM Inspection with hard copy verification if required.
Prompt delivery due to operating a 20hr 2x shifts a day regime.
I have a team of around 50 staff at present and we are based in East Tamaki Auckland, we operate from a well-equipped 27,000-sqft factory, and we are always looking for new business opportunities.
Contact us today!