Supreme Panel & Paint Limited Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 17:32 Auto Services 24 Mahana Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200 22 views Reference: 257725Location: 24 Mahana Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Click to get direction: 24 Mahana Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078492511
F: 078492508
Products and Services
AssociationsCollision Repair Association
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
Price InformationFree Estimates
ConcernsCollisions, Hail Damage, Dents
FacilitiesBake Oven
Payment OptionsEFTPOS, Mastercard, Visa
PartsBody Panels, Panelling, Bumpers
ServicesDent Repairs, Paint Matching, Panel Beating, Body Repairs, Bumper Repairs, Collision Repairs, Paint Repairs, Panel Replacement, Panel Repairs, Collision Claims, Paint Protection, Paintless Dent Repair, Dent Removal
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Over 20 Years Experience
About Supreme Panel & Paint Limited
We Are Your Supreme Automotive Refinisher!
We can help you with all your Panel Beating & Automotive Painting requirements, plus provide a courtesy car (loan car) while yours is being repaired.
We are a Hamilton-based family owned & operated business where you will receive a high standard of workmanship and a quality job every time. We are equipped with a Spanesi Chassis Machine & Touch Measuring System and a Garmat Bake Oven. We cover all aspects of repairs from minor dents to major smash work, Insurance jobs & Private work.
Our professional team at Supreme Panel & Paint Works Ltd can also help you with:
- Plastic Welding
- Rust Repairs
- Chassis Straightening
- Restoration Work and more
Give us a call for a free estimate, or send an email for enquiries. Or just call-in to our workshop!
We are located at 24 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton.
What makes us different
At Supreme Panel & Paint, We specialise in Panel Beating & Automotive Painting
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.