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Sullivan Construction & Maintenance Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 22:57   Trades & Services   Servicing: Stratford Area, Waitara Area, Opunake Area, Manaia Area, Hawera Area, Patea Area, New Plymouth Area, Eltham Area, Inglewood Area   16 views Reference: 221664

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0223451335

About Sullivan Construction & Maintenance

Sullivan Construction & Maintenance is a Taranaki owned and operated business servicing the entire taranaki region and beyond. Owner Dave has over 15 years experience within the building, maintenance and civil construction and earth moving industry. Starting at the bottom as a labourer he has learnt all the ins and out of the Industry working his way up through the ranks through to project management where he has currently spent the last 2 years before founding Sullivan Construction in 2020. Sullivan Construction and Maintenace are Hse compliant with public liability insurance and endevour to deliver a quality project at a competitive price. Taking on all your ideas and turning them into reality for you to sit back and enjoy.
Chip seal and concrete drive ways
Aggregate, topsoil and Landscaping deliveries with our small tip truck that gets into those tight spaces
Timber fences, land scape and retaining walls, gates, Decks and landings
Water blasting for timber cleaning and bringing back to life Fences and decks
Property maintenace, from the lawns to repairs
Civil construction, soak holes, drainage, pits
Earth moving, section clearing, section leveling, drive way Preperation
Raised Garden boxes and planters.
* Steel fabrication and custom electric gates
You dream it. We make it reality See Less

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