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SUBTECH Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:22   Auto Services   Auckland   25 views Reference: 18384
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Location: Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 095802263

F: 095802253

Products and Services






Gaskets, Automatic Transmissions, Clutches, Brakes, Batteries, CV Joints, Cambelts


Exhaust Systems, Suspension Systems, Air Conditioning, Steering Systems, Fuel Systems, Electrical Systems


Repairs, Tyre Balancing, Computer Diagnostics, Engine Rebuilding, Tune-ups



Year est.



Subtech Subaru NZ is proudly Auckland's leading independent Subaru specialists. Talk to us and you will find our staff are friendly, attentive and most of all we listen.

Twenty-three years of Subaru servicing and Subaru repairs has taught Gareth and his team to treat every customer genuinely and take pride in their work. Subtech ensure that you and your Subaru are completely satisfied so we see you next time.

Auckland Suzuki is proudly Auckland's leading independent Suzuki specialist. Talk to us and you will find our staff are friendly, attentive and most of all we listen.

Experience in repairing and servicing Suzuki has taught Gareth and his team to treat every customer genuinely and take pride in their work.

Auckland Suzuki ensure that you and your Suzuki are completely satisfied so we see you next time. For any enquiries feel fee to give us a call today!

What makes us different

We have been in the motor industry for many years. We use the state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and innovative techniques to bring you professional, efficient and reliable service.

Website: http://www.subtech.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/subtechsubaru/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZvfG--UJUklm1Dla74c9g

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