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Stratum Consultants Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 14:50   Professional Services   81 Jellicoe Street Te Puke 3119   27 views Reference: 76940

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Servicing: Opotiki Area, Rotorua Area, Tauranga Area, Te Puke Area, Whakatane Area

Click to get direction: 81 Jellicoe Street Te Puke 3119

Contact Info(s):

O: 075714500

F: 075713500

Opening hours


Products and Services


Certificate of Title


Resource Consents


Surveyors, Foundation Engineers, Engineers, Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential


Unit Titles, Cross Leases

Service Options

Online Services


Contracting, Planning, Land Title Surveys, Civil Engineering, Land Development, Topographic Surveys


Subdivisions, Multi-lot Subdivisions

Year est.


Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

Mailing address

PO Box 13651 Tauranga 3141

About Stratum Consultants Ltd

Welcome to Stratum Consultants Ltd - a team of highly qualified and experienced Planners, Engineers and Surveyors who believe in having an attitude of excellence in everything we do!

Here at Stratum Consultants Ltd we aim to consistently exceed our client's expectations. Our expert team can help with all aspects of resource consents, surveying, engineering and much, much more.

We approach every project in a multi-disciplined, outcome-focused way. For a team with extensive knowledge of local conditions and a detailed understanding of the implications of the legislation and regulations that govern land development, look no further than Stratum Consultants Ltd.

Visit us online for more details or contact us today to speak to book your consultation!

What makes us different

We offer land surveying and subdividing services to the Tauranga, Rotorua, Te Puke and Opotiki areas. We can assist you with all types of surveying and subdividing. We can also undertake a topographical survey of the land, building set out, Maori land surveys and building surveys.

Website: http://stratum.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StratumConsultants/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stratum-consultants-9a0a77108/

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