Stichbury Automotive Care Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:34 Auto Services 209 St Aubyn Street Hastings 4122 24 views Reference: 225406Location: 209 St Aubyn Street Hastings 4122
Click to get direction: 209 St Aubyn Street Hastings 4122
Contact Info(s):
O: 068787700
F: 068765341
About Stichbury Automotive Care
Welcome to Stichbury Automotive Care, your one-stop undercar shop! Our team are well equipped & experienced to professionally repair, maintain and service your vehicle.
With an extensive range of parts in stock we'll have you back on the road in no time! We care for a wide range of vehicles from prestige & late models to the old but gold family treasure. With our experienced team and a factory-backed warranty, you know you are well looked after.
Our automotive services include: Vehicle Servicing Packages, Warrant Of Fitness, Wheel alignment and balancing, Brakes, Vehicle Lowering, Exhausts, Suspension upgrades - Plus much more!
We provide a comprehensive range of automotive products, including: Exhaust systems, Shock absorbers, Roof Racks, Tow Bars, Brakes, Suspension springs, Exhaust components, as well as, Interior racking.
Let our experienced team take the hassle out of your vehicle repairs and servicing requirements, you'll be glad that you did. Give us a call or visit our website for more information today.
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