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Steel & Tube Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 03:22   Auto Services   40 Northway Street Te Rapa Hamilton   17 views Reference: 236822
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Click to get direction: 40 Northway Street Te Rapa Hamilton

Contact Info(s):

O: 078507640

F: 094383999

About Steel & Tube

Steel & Tube is New Zealand's leading provider of steel solutions and a proud New Zealand company with over 60 years of trading history in this county.
With a national network of branches and distribution centres, we have the technical knowledge and products to make your project a success no matter where you are located.
We supply a range of diverse industries with everything from steel bar, plate and tube, nuts & bolts, fencing, wire rope, building materials, stainless steel, roofing, chains & valves as well as crane and hoist products.

Steel Processing

We manufacture, supply and distribute a comprehensive range of structural steel, hollow steel, bar and plate products to meet any demands of new building designs. All of our steel products meet internationally approved specifications and quality products that are sought after by some of the most challenging projects in the Asia-Pacific region.

Hot Rolled Plate & Coil

We manufacture and supply an extensive range of steel sheet and coil products commonly used in the manufacturing, construction, steel framing and sheetmetal sectors. This includes hot-and-cold-rolled, aluminised, galvanised, enameled and colorstell sheet and coil.

Structural Steel

We are involved in many of the major projects around New Zealand and through the Asia-Pacific region. Our commitment to ensuring the highest level of quality and ongoing testing ensures ongoing demand for the products we provide.


We provide a wide range of options for the finishing of any steel product. This includes the following angles that we can integrate into your design:

  • Hot Rolled Equal Angles
  • Hot Rolled Unequal Angles
  • Duragal Equal Angles
  • Duragal Unequal Angles

We are the largest distributor of these products in New Zealand, so if you are after the best price on the highest quality product available in the market look no further.

Divisional Contact Information

0800 478 335 General Steel Enquiries
0800 100 260 Chain & Rigging (Phone)
0800 100 397 Chain & Rigging (Fax)
0800 427 663 Roofing (Sales)
0800 333 247 Roofing (Technical Assistance)
0800 426 587 Fastenings
0800 474 735 Pipe & Valve
0508 782 465 Stainless Steel
0800 800 947 Hurricane (Phone)
0800 808 141 Hurricane (Fax)

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