Steel & Tube Roofing Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 14:45 Auto Services 28A Jean Batton Drive Mt Maunganui Tauranga 21 views Reference: 76438Click to get direction: 28A Jean Batton Drive Mt Maunganui Tauranga
Contact Info(s):
O: 075781089
F: 0800427663
About Steel & Tube Roofing
Steel & Tube is New Zealand's leading provider of steel solutions and a proud New Zealand company with over 60 years of trading history in this county.
With a national network of branches and distribution centres, we have the technical knowledge and products to make your project a success no matter where you are located.
We supply a range of diverse industries with everything from steel bar, plate and tube, nuts & bolts, fencing, wire rope, building materials, stainless steel, roofing, chains & valves as well as crane and hoist products.
Roofing Materials
As a major New Zealand manufacturer and supplier of profile metal roofing, rainwater products and cladding, Steel & Tube offer roof profile shapes in a range of thicknesses, materials and finishes to satisfy every preference and requirement. Our high-strength galvanised cold-formed steel purlins provide a complete system suitable for supporting a wide range of roofing and cladding materials.
Call us today to make contact with your local branch
Local Branch Numbers
0800 478 335 General Steel Enquiries
0800 100 260 Chain & Rigging (Phone)
0800 100 397 Chain & Rigging (Fax)
0800 427 663 Roofing> (Sales)
0800 333 247 Roofing (Technical Assistance)
0800 426 587 Fastenings
0800 474 735 Pipe & Valve
0508 782 465 Stainless Steel
0800 800 947 Hurricane (Phone)
0800 808 141 Hurricane (Fax)
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