Steel & Tube Roofing Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 17:07 Auto Services 30NORTH Business Parade Highbrook Auckland 28 views Reference: 255176Click to get direction: 30NORTH Business Parade Highbrook Auckland
Contact Info(s):
O: 092744056
F: 0800427663
About Steel & Tube Roofing
Steel & Tube are one of New Zealand's Largest Distributors of Steel and Allied products.
With 40 Distribution and Service Centres throughout the country and over 700 employees, you know we have the technical knowledge and products to make your project a success.
We supply a range of diverse industries with everything from steel bar, plate and tube, nuts & bolts, fencing, wire rope, building materials, stainless steel, roofing, chains & valves as well as crane and hoist products.
Roofing Materials
As a major New Zealand manufacturer and supplier of profile metal roofing, rainwater products and cladding, Steel & Tube offer roof profile shapes in a range of thicknesses, materials and finishes to satisfy every preference and requirement. Our high-strength galvanised cold-formed steel purlins provide a complete system suitable for supporting a wide range of roofing and cladding materials.
Call us today to make contact with your local branch
Local Branch Numbers
0800 478 335 General Steel Enquiries
0800 100 260 Chain & Rigging (Phone)
0800 100 397 Chain & Rigging (Fax)
0800 427 663 Roofing> (Sales)
0800 333 247 Roofing (Technical Assistance)
0800 426 587 Fastenings
0800 474 735 Pipe & Valve
0508 782 465 Stainless Steel
0800 800 947 Hurricane (Phone)
0800 808 141 Hurricane (Fax)
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