Stabilus Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:18 Auto Services 75 Ellice Road Wairau Park Auckland 0629 26 views Reference: 17909Location: 75 Ellice Road Wairau Park Auckland 0629
Click to get direction: 75 Ellice Road Wairau Park Auckland 0629
Contact Info(s):
O: 094445388
F: 094445386
About Stabilus
In the Automotive Parts category, Stabilus is located in the Auckland Region and are here to help you. Check out Stabilus today. We await your call!
automotive-partsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
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About Seller
No need to send staff out for parts, and no more wasting time getting incorrect parts, simply give Gas Strut Services a call now! We offer you a mobile service to regas, replace and service your struts!
We not only do gas struts for cars, but for office chairs, canopy covers, truck canopies, door closers, boat hatches, trailer doors, horse float ramps, wine cellar doors as well as self closing office doors.
New and re-charged gas struts and boot struts
Fittings for ball joints, eye ends and mounting brackets
Advice on fitting gas struts
Same day service
Give us a call to discuss your requirements today!