Ssangyong Taupo Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:40 Auto Services 86 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378 23 views Reference: 244670Location: 86 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378
Click to get direction: 86 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378
Contact Info(s):
O: 073761516
F: 073761510
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
Vehicle FeaturesManual, AWD, 4WD, Automatic
PartsCar Parts
ServicesRepairs, Car Leasing, Maintenance, Inspections
Vehicle StylePassenger
AssurancesGuaranteed, Extended Warranties, Genuine Parts, Manufacturers Warranties
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetMailing address
PO Box 847 Taupo 3351
About Ssangyong Taupo
Welcome to Ssangyong Taupo, your one stop car sales and service centre.
You can find us at the hub of Taupos industrial area where we sell quality new and used vehicles plus provide vehicle servicing, repairs and WOF from our top notch service facility.
Our experienced team have a wealth of knowledge in servicing a wide range of Korean vehicles in our modern workshop.
We also offer lease options and competitive finance options with our in house finance company MTF.
From our Miro Street premises we now run the NZ wholesale distribution for SsangYong, Koreas premier SUV and utility manufacturer, which we have relocated from Auckland to Taupo.
So, we really look forward to seeing some old and new customers here in our new modern service and sales centre. Make sure you pop in and say hi and check out what we are up to.
What makes us different
SsangYong is a Korean manufacturer that provides practical, quality vehicles with affordable prices. This manufacturer has been making vehicles for almost 60 years ans specialize in modern and practical SUV and utes that are perfect for the typical kiwi lifestyle.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.