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SportsMed Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:20   Medical & Emergency   156 Bealey Avenue Christchurch 8013   21 views Reference: 91390
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Click to get direction: 156 Bealey Avenue Christchurch 8013

Contact Info(s):

O: 033660620

F: 033663514

Opening hours


Products and Services


Women, Men


Balance, Balance, Strength, Weight Loss


Pain Management, Preventive Care, Nutritional Counselling, Medical Advice, Assessments, Rehabilitation, Nutrition, Pain Management

Insurance Accepted

Accident Compensation Corporation, Accident Compensation Corporation


Therapeutic, Deep Tissue Massage, Remedial Massage, Maternity Massage, Myofascial Release, Sports Massage, Hydrotherapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Rehabilitation, Sports Massage, Physiotherapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Non-surgical Treatments


Feet, Neck, Knees, Joints, Muscles, Legs, Chest, Arms, Neck, Ankles, Heels, Joints, Nails, Ankles, Arches, Legs




Injuries, Pain, Strains, Headaches, Tension, Stress, Sciatica, Fat, Weight Control, Obesity, Metabolism, Carbohydrates, Weight Management, Weight Gain, Fatigue, Weight Loss, Stress, Protein, Underweight, Overweight, Overeating, Digestion, Injuries, Pain, Blisters, Aches, Ingrown Toenails, Athlete's Foot, Flat Feet, Breaks, Pinched Nerves, Athletic Injuries, Pregnancy, Muscular Disorders, Injuries, Acute Injuries, Disabilities, Injuries, Back Pain, Accident Recovery, Flexibility, Balancing, Athletic Injuries, Injuries, Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fractures, Strains, Sprains, Accidents, Athletic Injuries

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Online Viewing, By Appointment


Sports Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Deep Tissue Massage, Massage Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Relaxation Massage, Sports Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Maternity Massage, Occupational Medicine


Evaluations, Gait Analysis, Evaluations

Markets Served


Parking options

Free Off-Street


NZ Society of Podiatrists
NZ Society of Podiatrists
NZ Society of Physiotherapists
NZ Society of Physiotherapists
NZ Medical Association (NZMA)
NZ Medical Association (NZMA)

Payment options

Personal Cheques
American Express

About SportsMed

Sportsmed podiatry is dedicated to providing you the highest level of foot care. We have an unsurpassed reputation and are considered one of New Zealand's leading podiatry practices. Come in and see why our patients choose us over other podiatry clinics.

We treat a wide range of both foot and foot related conditions. Athletic injuries such as achilles tendonitis, shin splints, runners knee pain or other overuse injuries are treated routinely. Other common complaints such as heel pain, ingrown nails, arch discomfort, verrucae, are also seen regularly highlighting that you don't need to be a top athlete to see us.

Sportsmed has been helping active people from Christchurch and beyond get back to their chosen sport for over twenty years. We are dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of sports injuries and musculoskeletal problems. In addition, we manage any health issues related to exercise. We are a complete multidisciplinary practice specialising in the treatment of sports and musculoskeletal injuries or conditions and the development of injury prevention programmes.

Our services are available to all groups and individuals.

  • Medical
  • Acupuncture
  • Podiatry
  • Physiotherapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Chiropractic
  • Nursing
  • Massage
  • Nutrition

Visit our website and find out about our Reward card or contact us today and see how we can improve your physical state.

What makes us different

At Sportsmed, we provide you with professional podriatrists who deliver high standard treatment when it comes to your feet. We strive to have you on your feet through our services in which are beneficial for athletes and non-athletes. We can guarantee that through our podiatrists, injury can also be prevented.

Website: https://sportsmed.co.nz

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