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Spike Electrical Ltd Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:04   Alarms Services   Servicing: Manawatu Region, Wairarapa   20 views Reference: 222377

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0277477453

About Spike Electrical Ltd

Spike Electrical - Do it once, Do it right! We are qualified and registered electricians with over 12 years of experience in the trade. We are based in Palmerston North and service the wider Manawatu region. We understand the importance of great service, being courteous, clean, professional and on time. Spike Electrical provides a range of domestic, rural, industrial and commercial electrical services to meet all requirements. ####We provide a wide range of electrical services including: * PV solar * Maintenance * Rewires * New installs * Automation and control * Test and tag * Alarms, cameras and security Spike Electrical can help you have a healthy, warm, comfortable, energy efficient home. Please don't hesitate to give us a call for any of your requirements, big or small. We are happy to provide you with an obligation free quote.

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