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Speedy Lube & Tyre Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:49   Auto Services   34 Greenwood Street Frankton Hamilton 3204   36 views Reference: 179372
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Click to get direction: 34 Greenwood Street Frankton Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 078471601

F: 078461943

Opening hours


Products and Services

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Courtesy Cars


Racing Tires, Performance Tyres, Slick Tread, All Season Tyres, Off-road Tyres, Hydraulic, Automotive, Spring


Bridgestone, Firestone, Bridgestone


Cars, Trucks, ATVs, Vans, Cars, 4WD, Vans, Cars, Trucks, Buses, Vans, Tractors, ATVs, 4WD


Brakes, Tyres, Shocks & Struts, CV Joints, Batteries, Shocks & Struts, Rims, CV Joints, Tubes, Valves, Mag Wheels, Lift Kits, Suspensions, Brakes, Steering Systems, Racing Tires, Performance Tyres, Shocks & Struts, All Season Tyres, CV Joints, Tyres, Gas Shocks, Road Tyres, Off-road Tyres, Brakes, Bridgestone

Vehicle Features

4WD, 4WD


Garage, Workshop


Breakdowns, Vibration, Punctures, Punctures


Shocks & Struts, CV Joints, Wheels, Axles, Mounts, Tie Rods, Lift Kits, Brakes, Springs, Spinners, Wheels, Mag Wheels, Sealant, Additives


Steering Systems, Suspensions, Suspension Systems


Alloys, Chrome


Car Lowering, Tyre Rotation, Rebuilding, Inspections, Reconditioning, Wheel Balancing, Installation, Maintenance, Conversions, Repairs, Balancing, Wheel Balancing, Installation, Flat Tyre Repairs, Rotations, Lube Service, Oil Changes, Alignments, Lowering, Car Lowering, Tyre Rotation, Balancing, Machining, Testing, Wheel Balancing, Installation, Appraisals, Lube Service, Replacement, Tune-ups

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential, Agricultural


Warrant of Fitness

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Personal Cheques
Financing Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
American Express
Direct Debit

About Speedy Lube & Tyre

Welcome to Speedy Lube & Tyre.

Where we are your one stop shop, from tyres, to wheel alignments and balancing, WOFs to automotive repairs, batteries to oil & lube change, suspension to CV boots, CV joints, brake pads, ball joints, shock absorbers just to name a few services we offer.

We specialise in quality Bridgestone Tyres for your family vehicle or 4x4; ranging from budget priced tyres to high performance tyres.

We also cater for commercial fleets.

  • Economy: Bridgestone Supercat, NZ Made, Firestone Tyre for NZ conditions.

  • Family: Techno, Turanza, Guardian. Mid range touring tyres, great range of sizes to suit small to large family cars.

  • Performance: Potenza, MYO1, SO3, RE050, RE040, RE001 High performance tyres to suit any driver and car, designed to keep you and your car safe in wet or dry conditions.

You can find us at 34 Greenwood St, Hamilton (Beside MacDonald's)

Contact us today or visit our website for more information!

What makes us different

For reliable and trusted service, great range and price - contact Tony and the team!

Website: http://www.speedylube.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/speedylubeandtyre

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUmFuSVNOTw&feature=youtu.be

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