Spark City Auto Electrical Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57 Auto Services 98 Vickery Street Te Rapa Hamilton 3200 22 views Reference: 246341Location: 98 Vickery Street Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Tagline: Also known as: Spark City 2008 Ltd
Click to get direction: 98 Vickery Street Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078501922
F: 0272860808
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesATVs, Boats, Buses, Classic Cars, Boat Trailers
TradesMechanics, Master Electrician, Electricians
PartsAlarms, Car Stereos, Alternators, Lights, Batteries, Starter Motors
ServicesCustomising, Charging, Diagnostics
ConcernsElectrical Failures, Check Engine Light
Markets ServedMarine, Agricultural
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 10141 Te Rapa Hamilton 3241
About Spark City Auto Electrical
At Spark City Auto Electrical we specialize in all:
Commercial: Stereo Systems, Bluetooth Car Kits, Batteries, Starter Motors, Alternators and any other Auto Electrical Repairs.
Industrial: Diggers, Forklifts and Excavators.
Marine: Boats, Trailers, Jet Skis, Starter Motors, Capstan Winches and Trim Tilt Motors.
We offer free quotes for repairs to your vehicle and pride ourselves to supply you with honest, reliable service that will be fair and reasonable.
Our convenient Showroom has all your vehicle needs from light bulbs to batteries and a range of Bluetooth car units. We have a fleet of 4X4 vehicles if required somewhere with rough terrain and have specialist technicians in the mining field for industrial vehicles.
Contact us now!
What makes us different
At Spark City Auto Electrical, we offer a number of premium auto electrical services to our customers at cost effective prices. From bluetooth car kits to jet skis and trailers, earth moving machinery, our solutions are comprehensive and reliable. For more information, call and speak to our team of experts today.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.