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Spa at QE Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:30   Medical & Emergency   Lake Front, Rotorua, Whakaue Street Rotorua   26 views Reference: 62858

0.0 star

Servicing: Rotorua Area

Click to get direction: Lake Front, Rotorua, Whakaue Street Rotorua

Contact Info(s):

O: 073431665

F: 073484266

About Spa at QE

As soon as you step inside the doors you'll feel the warmth...
Monday to Friday 9am 9pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am 7pm
* Last appointment one hour before closing and Rachel Pools close 30 minutes prior to the Spa closing.

Unwind in a thermal mineral pool or a nourishing liquid mud bath (individually made up for you combining local mineral-rich volcanic mud and thermal waters), experience mud packs and wraps and wax treatments for hands and feet, milk baths and facials.
Our Aix massage is unique in New Zealand - it is under gently pressurised sprays of alkaline mineral waters from the Whangapipiro acquifer.
It's water that makes our city famous, worldwide - from rainfall 100 years ago percolating through that mineral-rich substrata...We also offer relaxation, therapeutic, pregnancy, sports, Indian Head and stone massage, as well as Reflexology and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

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