Southern Spas & Pools Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:08 Home Services Servicing: Southland Region 28 views Reference: 204339Location: Servicing: Southland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 034423030
F: 034423035
Products and Services
Markets ServedCommercial, Industrial
ServicesPackaging, Repairs, Maintenance, Installation
KindsIn-ground, Above Ground
ProductsChemicals, Liners
Year est.
About Southern Spas & Pools
Installing a spa or pool on your property is an investment that will pay dividends in your health and lifestyle.
With more than 25 years experience in installing and servicing pools, spas and saunas in the Otago and Southland areas, Southern Spas & Pools have the products, expertise and local knowledge to help you transform your yard or deck into a relaxing and tranquil retreat.
Sit back and relax and let Southern Spas & Pools do all of the work.
Southern Spas & Pools offers a full line of:
- Inground and aboveground pools
- Spas and hot tubs
- Saunas and steam rooms
- Installation & maintenance services
- Accessories, spa & pool covers, and after care products
Swimming &/or Spa Pools
Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance Service
Swimming Pool Chemicals Retail
Swimming Pool Accessories &/or Installation
Swimming Pool Accessories & Chemicals
Spas Saunas & Hot Tubs
What makes us different
We offer valet services and chemical testing. We Supply and install all types of pool equipment which includes pumps, sand and cartridge filters. We are a registered Bioguard stockiest and have a full range of spa and pool accessories
swimming-pools-spasWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.