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Sep 13th, 2022 at 16:50   Home Services   16 Fingall Street South Dunedin Dunedin 9012   23 views Reference: 202550

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Click to get direction: 16 Fingall Street South Dunedin Dunedin 9012

Contact Info(s):

O: 034740027


Welcome to Southern Insulations home page, please take time to look around our website and gain an insight into our Company.

Southern Insulation is one of the leading industrial insulation companies in New Zealand, with four branches situated throughout the country employing a total of around 50 plus full time staff members. Our staff numbers can change from contract to contract with total numbers reaching just under 100 personnel.

The company was formed in 1983 and has expanded and grown over the years to have branches in Invercargill, Dunedin, Christchurch and Rotorua. We consider ourselves to be one of the two largest insulation companies in New Zealand both by size and turnover, and by far the largest insulation company working in the South Island.

Since humble beginnings Southern Insulation has grown in size and has diversified in all aspects of industrial insulation. This includes acoustics, fire rating, insulation panel work, asbestos removal and audits, mechanical HVAC insulation, Industrial Insulation from boilers and tanks to geothermal plants.

Over the years, Southern Insulation has worked from Kaitaia to Stewart Island and everywhere in between as well as Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Our Client base includes universities, paper mills, the aluminium smelter, the petroleum and bitumen industry, the building industry, the dairy and meat industry and fishing and timber. If it involves steam, hot water, acoustics or refrigeration, then we have done it.

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