South Waikato Funeral Services Limited Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:41 Trades & Services Commerce St Tokoroa 3420 57 views Reference: 82006Location: Commerce St Tokoroa 3420
Contact Info(s):
O: 078865160
F: 078869748
Products and Services
TradesFuneral Directors
FacilitiesFuneral Home, Chapel, Viewing Room
ProductsCaskets, Headstones, Cremation Urns
ServicesReceptions, Planning, Funeral Planning, To Customer Requirements, Custom Designing, Embalming, Funeral Information, Customising, Cremation, Burial, Ceremonies, Advice, Web Streaming, Design Your Own
Service OptionsOnline Information, Online Yellow Pages, Visit Us Online
About South Waikato Funeral Services Limited
South Waikato Funeral Services is located in Tokoroa and serves the entire South Waikato District.
We offer services in the townships of Tokoroa, Putaruru, Tirau, Mangakino and in all the surrounding Districts.
We provide a range of services and a caring, friendly atmosphere.
- Reception
- Interview offices
- Chapel
Our streaming facility makes it possible for loved ones across the world to be a part of the service.
Please contact if you require more information. We are here to help.
What makes us different
Each funeral is a unique event and we will take time to explain all your options so you can have a service that you have complete control over.
funeral-directorsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.