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Somar Service Centre Howick Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:16   Auto Services   180 Moore Street Howick Auckland 2014   22 views Reference: 17786
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Click to get direction: 180 Moore Street Howick Auckland 2014

Contact Info(s):

O: 095343159

F: 095343959

Opening hours


Products and Services


4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars


Transmissions, Brakes, Batteries, Engines

Vehicle Features



No Starts, Punctures, Check Engine Light, Breakdowns

Service Options

Online Booking


Air Conditioning


Lube Service, Oil Changes, Repairs, Maintenance, Alignments, Electrical Work, Replacement, Vehicle Diagnostics, Diagnostics, Balancing, Computer Scanning, Tyre Changes, Pre-purchase Inspections, Tune-ups, Cambelt Replacements


WOF, Locally Operated

Year est.


Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Somar Service Centre Howick

We are a dedicated Team of MTA certified specialists, committed to providing high-quality mechanical services. Your vehicle will be serviced by staff who works in a professionally equipped and managed environment. Our priority is to ensure that you are happy with your vehicle, and to keep up your safely on the road with no inconvenience.

With us there are no hidden fees. Our friendly staff will provide you with the final pricing during the initial assessment. You will know the exact pricing before any services or repairs, so you can make an informed decision.

Our professional mechanics are experienced in working with cars of ANY brand and ANY age. Be it a 69 Ford Mustang or a 2010 Nissan Micra, we have the experience and equipment to get the job done.

We are dedicated to provide the best car service we possibly can, that is why we prefer to use automotive supplies that come from trusted and respectable suppliers and manufacturers.

Our well-equipped workshop allows us to service both mechanical and electrical car components at the same place. This way you get a more convenient service that saves you time and money.

We take great pride in the quality of our work. That is why you get a guarantee on ALL our services.

Somar Service Centre is one of the first Howick's automotive workshops (originally named Marshall Motors). We have been building outstanding reputation in mechanical services since 1995, and became a well-known local car service centre. We currently have a team of three dedicated mechanics.

What makes us different

Here at Somar Service Centre our professional mechanics pride ourselves on delivering high-quality and efficient solutions for all your mechanical needs. We are able to service any vehicle make and model in our well-equipped workshop. Our team is committed to ensuring all of our customers leave satisfied!

Website: http://www.somarservice.co.nz

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