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Solecare Podiatry Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 04:19   Medical & Emergency   4 Yaldhurst Road Upper Riccarton Christchurch 8041   26 views Reference: 191917

0.0 star

Servicing: Christchurch

Click to get direction: 4 Yaldhurst Road Upper Riccarton Christchurch 8041

Contact Info(s):

O: 033433661

F: 033433662

Mailing address


About Solecare Podiatry

Solecare Podiatry can advise and provide treatment for a wide range of foot and ankle problems. From simple needs, such as thickened toe nails, corns or a "WOF" for the feet, through to complex problems of the foot and ankle. Our team have the skills and experience to treat many common foot problems.

Orthotic insoles are available in a price to suit most budgets and can be adapted and adjusted in house.

We endeavor to provide a first class service using the latest equipment and techniques.

Our standard appointment fee is $61 with toe nail surgery starting at $215.

Solecare Podiatry is situated within Riccarton Clinic,

4-6 Yaldhurst road, Upper Riccarton, with parking and bus stops closeby. We are on the first floor which is easliy accessed with a lift or stairs.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Riccarton-Clinic-After-Hours-Medical-Centre-110535708985633/

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