Smith Wood & Woods Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 20:16 Professional Services Servicing: Edendale Area, Gore Area, Invercargill Area, Lumsden Area, Riversdale Area, Te Anau Area, Tokanui Area, Winton Area, Wyndham Area 42 views Reference: 206246Contact Info(s):
O: 032089184
F: 032089369
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Sun
Products and Services
TradesBarristers, Solicitors, Barristers, Solicitors
ServicesAdoptions, Wills, Leasing, Licencing, Asset Protection, Trusts, Adoptions, Wills, Orders of Protection, Civil Litigation, Litigation, Trusts, Collections, Claims, Property Agreements, Estate Planning, Conveyancing, Asset Protection, Power of Attorney
Payment OptionsFinancing
ConcernsRelationship Property, Custody
PracticesCriminal Law, General Practice, Agricultural Law, Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Securities Law, Contract Law, Estate Law, Property Law, Business Law, Insurance Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Estate Law, Property Law, Business Law
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
Year est.
Payment options
About Smith Wood & Woods
Smith Wood & Woods, a general practice law firm, has proudly been providing exceptional legal services to Southlanders since the 19th century.
Our friendly, knowledgeable team takes a genuine interest in the firm's clients and their unique situations and act for individuals and other entities in Southland, Otago, elsewhere in New Zealand and even oversea. Modern technology means you no longer have to be a local to take advantage of our expertise.
We offer services in the following areas: Commercial Law, Conveyancing, Litigation, Debt Collection, Trusts, Employment Law, Wills & Estates, as well as Family Law.
Contact us to meet our team, and see how we can be of assistance to you. Alternatively, please visit our website for more information today.
What makes us different
We provide exceptional legal services and act for clients both in NZ and overseas. Contact our team for assistance.
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