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Simon Lucas Mitsubishi Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:59   Auto Services   183 Target Road Wairau Valley Auckland 0627   24 views Reference: 106805

0.0 star

Servicing: Auckland Region

Click to get direction: 183 Target Road Wairau Valley Auckland 0627

Contact Info(s):

O: 094448144

F: 0800001107

About Simon Lucas Mitsubishi

We are one of Mitsubishi's most highly awarded Diamond Dealerships, which recognises excellence across the Mitsubishi dealer network. Our Managing Director and owner of the business Simon Lucas works in the business and leads a friendly, highly motivated and engaged team. Located at the corner of Wairau and Target Roads, we offer the advantages of a large metropolitan franchise dealership coupled with the community atmosphere associated with doing business on the North Shore, Auckland.
With the widest selection of Mitsubishi vehicles in New Zealand, we sell 1700 new and used vehicles every year thanks to our friendly and knowledgeable team.
Our unbeatable 5/10 year Diamond Advantage Warranty is New Zealand's best new car warranty and customer care package, providing you with peace of mind and the knowledge that you will always be in good hands. Additionally, our Parts & Service departments offer a wide selection of new and used Mitsubishi parts available at competitive prices, and any service you need to ensure your vehicle is in top driving condition.
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