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Simms Diesel & Turbocharger Service Ltd Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:18   Auto Services   77 Leonard Road Penrose Auckland   25 views Reference: 272265

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Servicing: Penrose

Click to get direction: 77 Leonard Road Penrose Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 095791159

F: 095794717

Opening hours


Products and Services


Pumps, Fuel Pumps

Vehicle Type

Domestic, Imports, Domestic, Imports, Domestic, Imports




4WD, Trucks, 4WD, Diesel Trucks, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Buses, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Vans

Vehicle Features

4WD, 4WD, Manual, Automatic, 4WD


Breakdowns, Leaks, No Starts, Breakdowns, Check Engine Light, No Starts, Vibration, Breakdowns


Diesel, Diesel, Diesel


LED, Fuel Injectors, Fuel Filters, Starter Motors, Pumps, Turbochargers, Alternators, Turbochargers, Injectors, Distributors, Kits, Injection Pumps, Cylinders, Fuel Pumps

Service Options

Visit Us Online


Engineering, Maintenance, Repairs, Engine Rebuilding, Inspections, Consulting, Installation, Distribution, Repairs, Inspections, Testing, Reconditioning, Tune-ups, Repairs, Replacement, Overhauls, Modifications, Importing, Rebuilding, Installation, Machining, Repairs, Oil Changes, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Repairs

Markets Served

Commercial, Marine, Industrial, Agricultural, Marine, Industrial, Agricultural, Residential, Industrial, Marine, Commercial, Commercial, Industrial






Guaranteed, Warranties

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Personal Cheques
Gift Vouchers
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
American Express
Direct Debit
Travellers Cheques
Money Orders

Mailing address

PO Box 11114 Ellerslie Auckland 1542

About Simms Diesel & Turbocharger Service Ltd

For all your turbocharger parts, and turbo repairs. Brands include Holset, Toyota, Mitsubishi, IHI,and more call us today>>>>>....

Simms are specialists in the Diesel Fuel Injection, turbo parts nz, Turbocharger, turbo repairs auckland, turbo reconditioners, marine turbochargers, turbo Auckland, Aftermarket turbocharger kits & Governor products providing both sales & service from our premises located in Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.

We are authorized Distributors for HOLSET Turbochargers, WOODWARD Governors, MERLIN Diesel test equipment, DONALDSON Filters, & C.R.E Glow plugs. We also supply parts & service for all major brands of Turbochargers and Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps with an inventory in excess of 35,000 line items.

Simms Diesel & Turbocharger Service Ltd is a Approved O.E Warranty Evaluation Distributor for Holset Turbochargers. Our commitment to providing quality products at a competitive price has seen us build and retain a large loyal customer base in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

Call us today for all your turbo needs!

What makes us different

Since 1920, we have been selling parts and servicing all major brands of turbochargers including, HOLSET, MHI, TOYOTA, GARRETT, 3K, SCHWITZER, BORGWARNER, IHI. We provide our services at competitive prices across New Zealand and Pacific Islands.

Website: https://www.simmsdiesel.co.nz

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