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Shoestring Decor Blinds Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:22   Home Services   Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Wellington City   22 views Reference: 279328

0.0 star

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800040800

F: 0223544304

About Shoestring Decor Blinds

Shoestring Decor offers customised Blinds, Curtains and Shutters in the Wellington Region .

We have over 20 positive reviews for our award winning service .
This service grew from working in the industry for over 25 years ,this gaining a wide and varied knowledge of window furnishing products at both wholesale and retail levels.

With these many years' experience, we can ensure you receive a local ,personalised and customised service to meet your needs.
Our blind and Curtain products are made in NZ , using eco-friendly materials, and come with up to ten year warranty periods.

Our shutters are beautifully made and offer a 15 year frame warranty ,we do not sell at Retail prices so a great deal and expertise is always the focus .

We often end up doing the jobs that many others put in the too hard area .
Always open to a deal we offer specials on Motorised Blinds,,tracks and House lot deals .

Visit our website www.shoestringdecor.com now to find out more or call 0800 040 800 for a chat or to book your FREE consultation.
Our consultations are Holistic covering Insulation,Colour advice ,and practicalities around blinds and window furnishings .

We are now at the Home Ideas centre stand 215. Home Ideas Centre ,1 The Esplanade Petone



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