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Selective Autoparts Ltd Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:29   Auto Services   Servicing: Wellington Region   23 views Reference: 280073

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0800474600

About Selective Autoparts Ltd

A 4-letter word starting with F, is what we are, when it comes to Price...FAIR! When we started this business back in 1999, our main objective was to provide Quality Used Parts at a Fair Price, and over 10 years on, we continue to maintain our Fair pricing.

Be it front or rear panels, mechanical or lamp/light or electrical parts, selective autoparts through its 2 warehouses, is confident they can satisfy most of your vehicle needs!

Not only is our pricing supported by experienced and dedicated staff, but also by affiliated membership of APIA (Automotive Parts Association), CRA (Collision Repair Association), Capricorn Society Ltd, and Owners of Sub-Euro Parts World Ltd, specialists Dismantler of Subaru and European cars.

Why just dump, when you can get paid to dump!

We buy vehicles to be broken down for Parts and Scrap. We can pick up your Dead or Alive vehicle, and give you cash in return, whatever its condition. If you wish to dump bulk parts and semi-assembled cars, we can pick these up too.

Visit our website, which has been designed to help you make enquires or order parts faster and easier, anywhere anytime. Or give us a call; or just call-in!

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